Saturday, August 31, 2019

Domestic Partnership Essay

The advantages gained by providing benefits to domestic partners can outweigh the costs. This report will define domestic partnerships, outline the various benefits available for dependants, provide analysis related to the cost of providing benefits to dependants of domestic partnerships, discuss various benefit package options and related costs, and provide details related to the value the company stands to gain by offering such benefits. Domestic Partnership Domestic partnerships are generally thought of as a relationship between two members of the same sex. While same sex relationships garner most of the attention, domestic partnerships are not always between members of the same sex. California Family Code Section 297 defines domestic partners as â€Å"two adults who have chosen to share one another’s lives in an intimate and committed relationship of mutual caring. To establish a domestic partnership in California, a couple must file a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the Secretary of the State, share a common residence, not be married or in a domestic partnership with someone else, not be related by blood, both are over the age of 18, both are the same sex, or opposite sex over the age of 62 and meet the eligibility criteria under the Social Security Act. Legal Issues Currently, 18 states offer domestic partner benefits for same-sex partners of state employees. Several state and local governments that offer health insurance and other benefits to employees’ unmarried domestic partners are currently facing lawsuits. Proponents of the Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA) claim these constitutional amendments prohibit governments from offering such benefits to any dependent of a relationship that does not fit the state’s constitutional definition of marriage. Both gay-rights advocates and the American Civil Liberties Union dispute such amendments and are currently engaging DOMA proponents in courts across America in attempts to resolve their differences (Gentile, 2006). The costs associated with defending such legal matters can prove to be very cumbersome. Types of Employer Benefits When seeking employment, benefit packages play a major role in attracting and keeping employees. Employer benefits consist of more than the basic medical, dental, and vision plans. A variety of additional benefits being sought after by potential employees include, but are not limited to, retirement plans, life insurance and the family medical leave act. To qualify for domestic partner benefits, employees may be asked to sign a statement or submit an affidavit asserting they live with a domestic partner and are financially interdependent† (Greenwald, 2003). Health Insurance â€Å"For most nonelderly people in the United States, health insurance and access to health care derive from one’s own or a family member’s employment† (Ash and Badgett, 2006). In all fairness, these types of benefits should be offered to these types of families under the cu rrent guidelines of Domestic Partnership. Two levels of benefits are offered by employers, single coverage and family coverage. Single employees are at a disadvantage when it comes to compensation because some employers offer their employees a flexible benefit to assist with costs. These benefits will include all the same privileges that legally recognized families are currently receiving. The entitlement shall consist of doctor’s visits, prescription drug coverage, hospitalization, and eye exams (Briggs, 1994). Dental Benefits Dental care is an essential benefit which should be available to all family members. Preventive dental care could significantly reduce loss of productivity and catch problems before they become chronic or severe† (Gustin, 2003). Dental benefits are very affordable and valuable. One available option is for this company to offer dental as a voluntary option. This would enable the employees and their domestic partner to take advantage of the dental plan at a group rate, but the employee woul d be responsible for the cost (Gustin, 2003). Retirement/401K Retirement Plans and 401K’s are benefits that are only available to employees; however, choosing beneficiaries is a very important detail to these plans. Although domestic partners cannot be given all of the rights of spouses, plans can be structured to provide them with many of the benefits available for spouses† (Davis, 2007). In addition to being named as beneficiary, a hardship withdrawal can be taken based on the need of the domestic partner, and domestic partners will have the right to rollover death benefits (Davis, 2007). Life Insurance Employee life insurance is available at a more affordable rate through employer plans. Adding family members is an optional benefit. Under this plan, domestic partners and children would be entitled to life insurance coverage for just pennies a day. This would incur no expense for the employer and the employee would benefit from a group rate. Cost to Employees and Employers The cost of healthcare is on the rise and no end to this crisis is in sight. Most people believe all employers should offer health insurance to its employees; however, with the cost of healthcare so high companies who offer these benefits are trying to find ways to offset costs. If all employers did offer health, dental, and life insurance, who would cover the cost? A survey administered by the Commonwealth Fund titled The Public’s Views on Healthcare Reform in the 2008 Presidential Election asked that question to 3,500 randomly selected adults. 70% of people surveyed thought the cost should be shared equally between the employer, employees, and the government. 80% of the people surveyed also thought that if an employer did not offer health insurance they should contribute to the cost of coverage (Lubell, 2008). Tax Equity The Tax Equity for Domestic Partner and Health Plan Beneficiaries Act of 2007 was introduced March 29, 2007. The act states employers offering healthcare insurance have to provide healthcare coverage to domestic partners, same-sex or opposite sex. This law has been added to stop federal tax inequalities same-sex couples currently face when receiving healthcare benefits offered by their employers (Postal, 2007). The new law significantly affected employers in the Northeast and Western states because 42% of larger companies in the Northeast, and 38% of companies in the West have same-sex domestic partner healthcare coverage. Only 14% of large companies in the Midwest and 10% of companies in the south have this type of coverage (Cohen, 2004). Dual Coverage Because the cost of healthcare has increased 15% since 2003, some states in the U. S. have prohibited employees from claiming their spouses/domestic partners as dependents; thus, prohibiting dual coverage in the workforce. Banning dual coverage for these employees saves the state tax payers several million dollars per year while the employees and their families have suitable health insurance coverage. Employees rely on dual health insurance coverage to cover out of pocket costs resulting from procedures which are not fully covered by their primary carrier. Dual coverage insurance can save families hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per year, but can potentially cost the employer hundreds or thousands more (Employer-Sponsored, 2004). Annual Cost According to a research study performed by The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Education Trust in 2006, private employers nationwide spend an average of $4,242 for single coverage and $11,480 for family coverage on employer sponsored health insurance coverage annually (Employer Health, 2006). Whether the employee is a single hetero-sexual or homo-sexual the rate for single coverage remains the same. The same for family coverage, the married hetero-sexual couple and the same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partners family coverage cost also remains the same. Employees are paying an average of $1,860 for single coverage and $4,848 for family coverage annually. These costs are causing employers to raise workers’ insurance premiums or reduce coverage. Some companies perform internal audits to eliminate ineligible dependents, older children, and ex-spouses/ex-domestic partners. If an employer finds dependents on an employees’ insurance that should not have been covered, the employee is required to pay back medical bills and insurance premiums through payroll deductions (Employer-Sponsored, 2004). Using information from these internal audits employers may notice a slight domestic partner enrollment increase: 0. 1%-0. 3% for gay and lesbian partners and 1. 3%-1. 8% for heterosexual partners. The increase in enrollment does not significantly affect the annual cost to the employer for employer-sponsored benefits provided to domestic partners and their families (Ash and Badgett, 2006). Benefits to the Company Healthcare continues to be a concern to both employees and employers. Employers are developing and offering programs and incentives to attract various types of workers, including those in domestic partner relationships, to attract more qualified candidates. Making benefits available to an employee’s domestic partner, a company is likely to hire and retain an employee whose work output is optimal. Employees in a domestic partner relationship appreciate their employer considering their particular need which results in a higher production rate. Davis 2007). Increased Productivity An employee who is healthy and has a healthy family is less likely to call in sick and take unnecessary time off to care for his or her family. In a study conducted by Ipsos-Reid (2004), two main contributors to employee absenteeism are depression and stress. Health benefits made available to an employee and his or her domestic partner can help reduce these factors. Mark Cauthen, benefit manager for the city of Colorado Springs, believes if one’s dependents feel better, the employee is more productive and focused at work (Wojcik, 2007). Preventative Measures Many companies have recognized the importance of helping employees manage their work and personal lives. Some of the more common preventive measure benefits currently being offered to employees, their domestic partners, and other immediate family members residing in the home are: wellness, flu shots, and fitness programs. Offering these various programs help the employee feel the employer cares for the health of his or her family resulting in increased productivity (Meghji 2007). Lower attrition rates An employer must also be concerned with the effect of employee retention. Currently 50% of Fortune 500 companies are providing benefits to employees involved in same sex domestic partnerships and heterosexual partnerships. Conclusion Offering benefits to domestic partners makes good business sense. While providing benefits to domestic partners may slightly increase employer cost, the benefits will prove profitable. As the research has indicated, enrollment will increase slightly which will not pose a financial hardship to any corporation.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Arms Race

The great war of 1914 was one of the bloodiest conflicts modern man has yet experienced. Its consequences reached far from the battlefield and into the towns, homes and families of the soldiers. There are many arguable points one could debate regarding the origins of WW1 but much guilt resides on the part of the arms race. An arms race can best be described as one country adding a portion to Its military then a neighboring country doing the same because It is nervous.The two countries continuously keep adding to their military might to keep up with one nother. Edward Cray, Britain's foreign secretary from 1906-1916 offered a good examplel . If one country builds a rail way to the border of a neighboring country, then that country will feel threatened and subsequently will build a railroad of its own to the border. Anticipating an attack, the first country will begin to mobilize its army and perhaps build weapons. The second country now feels incredibly threatened and mobilizes its ow n army calling in all the reserve troops possible.Gray assessed that the only way to stop an arms race is war. An arms race does not simply start on its own. There is indubitably some event that triggers the arming of a country. In WWI, that can be attributed to the treaties between European countries2. When Austria and Serbia get into a dispute, Austria Issues an ultimatum with ten conditions. Serbia agrees to all but one and starts looking around for backup In case of attack. Serbia forms an alliance with Russia because Russia hates Austria. When Austria finds out they call their friend Germany for an alliance.Russia subsequently calls France knowing that France is looking for an easy shot to get back at Germany Tor tne Franco-Prusslan war Trom akes them pay dearly n w cn Germany aeTeats France ana for the loss3. On the day of the ultimatum, Austria declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria, Germany declares war on Russia, and France declares war on Germany. French an d German Military development France had bounced back fairly quickly after the Franco-Prussian war and paid off their debts ahead of time. They were quickly becoming an industrialized nation with many assets.Their progress made both Germany and Britain wary because they both wanted to be the most powerful country and were insecure about any sort of threat. Around 1912 when things were beginning to heat up in Europe Russia, Germany and France began to ramp up their military forces4. Germany Added 120,000 men to its army in anticipation of trouble. With Germany beginning to arm, France passes a compulsory service law that required all men ages 20-40 to serve in the military for a set amount of time. For twenty years, Frances army had been growing faster that Germanys.This changed drastically though when Germany decided to start pouring majority of their resources into their military. Germany, although not one hundred percent responsible for the war, certainly did not back away from it . They participated in arms races such as these and instigated others such as the naval arms race. When war came about, Germany was more than ready for it because to their years of preparation due to the arms race. English and German Army development Around this same time Germany was trying to cause an issue between France and Britain over the country of Morocc05.Germany was trying to cause issues over the independence of Morocco mainly because they themselves had personal commercial interests in the area and they wanted to insight strife between the two fore mentioned countries. An international conference was called and Germany did not get its way. This critically weekend the already strained relations between Britain and Germany and France and Germany. After Germany failed to get what it wanted, it stopped relying so much on diplomacy and more and more on brute military power.As a result of this, Britain formed an elite group of men numbering 150,000 in size that was ready to cro ss the English Channel at a moment's notice to invade Germany6. Germany knew this and was made nervous by it prompting them to mobilize even more. Russian and German arms Development When Russia saw this, they became concerned and added 500,000 to their own army and launched the â€Å"Great Military Program† that would add 10 percent to its army each following year. Russia had the most available man power but it was also the least industrialized of the major powers which would prove to be a very serious setback.Germany had not been really bothered by France and Russia arming themselves until they formed the Franco Russian Alliance in 18947. If war were to break out, Germany would be fghting on two fronts instead of only one which could spread their resources to the limit. Because Russia's army was 300,000 men bigger tnan Germanys In IYUU, Germany Increased ne growtn 0T Its army even more In anticipation of having to fght a raging battle on two fronts. Russia's army was consid ered a steam roller and was believe to be able to Just â€Å"roll† over any obstacle in its path with no trouble at a118.By this point, Germany, Russia, England, and France all had the new intentions of war such as the maxim gun, airplanes, and gas. They also had the factories to produce them. Some had better infrastructure already in place but they all had the capability. Germanys advantage ver both Russia and France was its incredible train system that would allow it to mobilize much quicker. The land arms race in general It is quite impressive to look at the spending of European countrys on their defense system in the years leading up to World War 1. Looking at the data, it seems quite obvious that we were on the brink of war.As far as defense spending goes, Germany was the most dramatic influx in spending per capita. While most countries populations are increasing at the about average rate while Russia more than doubles in size. As fore mentioned they were a formidable am ount of man ower yet not yet quite industrialized enough to use these men to their full potential. Britain and German Naval Race In the years preceding WWI, Britain had been making an effort to expand their navy. Due to their status as an island nation, it was imperative that they maintain a powerful naw to protect their interests.Also, in the days of empires, Britain had to maintain a powerful maritime force to protect their interest across the world. In 1889 Britain passed a series of laws known as the â€Å"Two Power Standard†10. This policy states that Britain must maintain a fleet at least as big as the fleets of two other ountries combined. When this policy originally passed, they were looking at Russia and France. Whenever these two nations built new ships, Britain would build an equal or greater numDer In order to stay at or aoove tne same level 0T prestige.Britain encountered some trouble when The United States of America, soon to become the most powerful, prestigiou s, and desirable country in the world, started building an elite naval fghting force. At this same time, Japan and Germany were both developing their maritime forcesl 1 . Originally, Germany wanted to threaten Britain into Joining he triple alliance by building their naw but this had the opposite effect. Winston Churchill pointed out that Germany did not really need a naval force and it was more of a â€Å"luxury' while Britain's was a necessity.Sir Edward Gray stated that Britain's naw is to them what Germanys army is to Germany. They also argued that Germany was only producing a naw to threaten Britain's commercial trade interests and their imperial colonies. However, Britain is not the kind of country to sit around aimlessly while they feel threatened. They responded by building a new type of ship powered by a turbine engine called the Dreadnaughtl 2. This new fghting wonder was supposedly capable of sinking an entire fleet of it's less powerful and agile predecessor the common battle ship.Germanys strategy was not to build a naw so significant that it could beat Britain's in an all-out display of might but one Just big enough to keep Britain's naw busy. By continuing to build ships with no intent of outbuilding Britain, they kept Britain nervous and spending a lot of money they did not necessarily have to. After England introduced the dreadnought, Germany was not far behind. Although they did not want to out build Britain, they could not afford o be outnumbered by ships of such a superior caliber.As it stood in 1914, Britain had 23 dreadnaughts, 10 battle cruisers, 30 pre-dreadnoughts, 47 cruisers, 61 light cruisers, 225 destroyers and 70 submarines13. This was the biggest naw in the world. Germany was in second place with 13 dreadnaughts, 6 battle cruisers, 30 pre- dreadnoughts, 14 cruisers, 35 light cruisers, 152 destroyers, and 30 submarines. We can attribute the fact that Germany is most renowned in this wasr for the use of submarines due to their sin king of high profile targets like the Lusitania.Also, Britain's submarines would not have had the great opportunity at sinking ships German submarines did because there were not as many German trade ships floating around. Looking at these numbers, we can tell that Germany had precisely built the amount of ships they needed to keep the Englanders occupied and nervous. This was a very good plan on Germanys part because every dollar Britain was pouring into their naw was a dollar that would not go towards their land force. Germanys army was far bigger than England's and they wanted it to stay that way.In 1912, Britain ctually tried to reach a settlement with Germany regarding the future of the arms race but it proved unsuccessful when Germany rejected it14. Britain did not want to keep pouring as much money as they were into their naw or military at all. As a result of Germanys refusal, Britain recalled all their ships across the world back to home waters to be ready for an attack. The other Naval Powers France ta s tnlra place wltn 14 areaanaugnts, no Dattle crulsers, 15 pre- dreadnaughts, 19 cruisers, 6 light cruisers, 81 destroyers, and no submarines. America came in behind France in fourth place.We had 10 dreadnaughts, 1 battle cruiser, 7 pre-dreadnaughts, 8 cruisers, Slight cruisers, 106 destroyers, and 39 submarines. We ruined Britain's 2:1 policy in 1916 when Woodrow Wilson passed a law that required our naw to be at least as big as Britain's. Russia also had a mid- sized naw although it was iced in to their cold and inhospitable harbor at St. Petersburg. They possessed 4 dreadnaughts, 1 battle cruiser, 7 pre-dreadnaughts, 8 cruisers, 5 light cruisers, 106 destroyers, and 36 submarines15. Japan was also a cause of worry for both Germany and Britain at first hen they emerged from their mystical land with a not inconsequential navy.They possessed 4 dreadnaughts, 2 battle cruisers, 2 pre-dreadnaughts, 9 cruisers, 1 5 light cruisers, 56 destroyers, and 15 subm arines. All these naws had been escalating dramatically over the years leading up to World War 1 even though most of the fghting was to be on land. This was because if one country could have a big enough naw to hold a blockade across a main importing port of the enemy to cut off their supplies. In conclusion, I think we can definitively say that Sir Edward Gray was correct when e stated that the only means to end an arms race is through war.Once things begin to escalate, there is only a small disturbance that is necessary to catapult the countries involved into all-out war as seen in The Great war. Once an army is mobilized and hostile with another country, the only thing necessary to get the ball rolling is a degrading remark from a high up official or perhaps a trigger happy soldier. All this could be avoided if the countries had not been trying to compete against each other in the development of arms, armies, and navies.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Career management in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Career management in business - Essay Example These are the active and passive forms. The active strategies are implemented for the purpose of career management and they involve training of employees and organization of career workshops. The passive strategies, on the other hand, involve organizational practices such as performance indicators and reviews (Arnold, 1997) Although many organizations put a lot of effort in the facilitation of career management through passive activities, a few of them have incorporated both active and passive strategies into their business operations. Career management, therefore, provides an opportunity for an organization to achieve its aspirations and interest through a convergence of individuals who possess these with the business needs. The organizational leadership can provide development and direction to the individuals who seek career progression. The ever-changing global market place is always a challenge for organizations to recognize and improve. With the current trend of market dynamics, there is increasing demand for creative and effective recruitment and retention of workforce. Supportive career management practices where employee career development and satisfaction in the workplace are emphasized (Arthur, Inkson and Pringle, 1999). Organizations should seek to implement management practices in order to facilitate and encourage employees to find value in the organizations (THORNTON, 2007). A supportive career management practice ensures that the expectations of the employee are clearly set. This enables the employee identify what is expected of them in the organization throughout their career. This is also beneficial in self-evaluation where the employee can determine if they are making any impact in the organization. When an organization does not place clear expectations for employees, it makes them uncertain about the development of their careers in the organization. This in turn affects the employee output and contribution in the organization as well as the ge neral output and performance of the organization (BILIMORIA & PIDERIT, 2006). Employees are also given clear succession plans in the organization. This ensures that they do not stay in uncertainty about the future of their career in the organization. This clear communication of such plans between the organization and employees helps in the development of confidence in the organization. When employees have confidence in their employers, the quality of their input into organization improves. The employees are also sure about their career development in the organization and, therefore, may choose to stay with the organization for the rest of their careers. This is not the case with organizations, which do not plan for the career growth and development of their employees. These types of organizations have a high rate of employee turnover since the employee are uncertain of their future and career developments in the organization (GREENHAUS, CALLANAN & GODSHALK, 2010). Through the differ ent strategies for supportive career management practices, employees have the resources and time to consider both their long- and short-term goals. This self-evaluation and assessment helps the employees make reasonable career plans according to their abilities and commitment to the organization (HUNTER, 2006). With the time and resources to make these considerations, the employees are able to make accurate and honest assessments of themselves. The set long- and short-t

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Case Study based assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case Study based assessment - Essay Example The combined impact of recession and intensified competition as a result of European de-regulation led to important shifts in business strategy with contrasting implications for its staff, an approach that has, with some modifications, continued until the present day. BA has realized that the competition in the airline industry is growing as the globalization and privatization policies have opened the limits of sky widely and international air carriers started to intrude into the territories of BA. As a result of that, BA decided to adopt the merger policies to strengthen their business prospects. In November 2009, BA reached an agreement with Iberia and both the companies decided to merge together to form a single company. The merger between BA and Iberia resulted in the creation of world’s third-largest airline in terms of annual revenue. The merger was confirmed in April 2010 and it is expected that it will take effect from the end of this year. â€Å"Iberia Airlines appoi nts its chairman, Antonio Vazquez Romero as the new chairman of International Airlines Group (IAG), the new company formed under the merger agreement between Iberia and British Airways (Goldstone, 2010) ‘Employee relations’ in BA is a much debated topic in UK now. Many people believe that BA could have improved their relations with the employees and sustain its identity as a national icon, even amidst stiff competition. Many contextual factors affected the employee relations in BA. Moreover, the employee relations in BA have made lot of impacts in the UK employment sector also. This paper critically analyses the above aspect with the help of the case study provided about British Airways. If employee relations is understood as an arena in which the contest between the pursuit of a market society and the defence of the principles of moral economy is played out, then it is impossible to separate market from nonmarket relations, economy

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

CANGO THIRD ANALYSIS REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

CANGO THIRD ANALYSIS REPORT - Essay Example It can be especially difficult to provide direct feedback to an under-performing subordinate in a face-to-face meeting. Managers are well aware that reactions to negative feedback are hard to predict. Some employees may realize the need for improvement while others may get very upset when they hear that their job performance is considered to be unsatisfactory. Imagine you are a manager and you are faced with the prospect of telling a poorly performing subordinate that he or she must improve. How would you go about doing this? What if your subordinate reacts badly and blames you for his or her poor performance? What if he or she refuses to sign the performance appraisal form leading to a review from the director of human resources management department? You could give this person a good rating, but then what would the rest of your subordinates think of your abilities as a manager? Heres another possibility: suppose you are a manager and you have developed a friendly relationship with your employees. How easy do you suppose it would be to sit down with one of these employees and tell them that they are performing poorly? Warren is faced with this very problem in the Introductory Video. He must appraise the performance of a poorly performing subordinate, a task with which he is clearly uncomfortable. Watch the video now and consider what you would do in this situation. Click on the camera to view the Introductory Video. Transcript week 5- 1 Objective Measures of Performance. Objective measures of performance focus on quantitative measures of an employees performance. Such measures might include dollar sales generated, error rate per day, unit output per hour, number of absences, and so forth. Subjective Measures of Performance. Subjective measures of an employees performance include the more qualitative factors such as the employees

Monday, August 26, 2019

Summary of Deconstructing America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of Deconstructing America - Essay Example It is a nation without moorings, with no common heritage, no common language, and nothing to bind as a nation or as a cohesive cultural and social force. Respect for diversity is good, when it does not reach the extremes. There must be something tangible that holds American people together. Americans must develop the capacity to foresee the common good, not what is good from the viewpoints of Democrats and Republicans, according to Buchanan. With the increasing diversity, America has become the â€Å"melting pot.† Buchanan forecasts a deteriorating social order and demise of the identity of the country in due course. â€Å"Melting pot,† is on the verge of becoming myth, and forces of diversity can cause problems within the nation and tear the nation apart, according to Buchanan. He does not like of diversity. According to him, more diversity means, inviting dangers to the unity and integrity of the country. This is in complete contrast to the popular viewpoint that diversity is very important to America as it gives the opportunity to learn from each other. Religion, color and ethnicity are not the compartmentalizing forces. With imaginative and purposeful administration and by honest implementation of the laws, they can as well be the forces of unity and love between the communities. No immigrant will try to deconstruct the nation, as no one is interested in working against one’s own interest. Bucha nan believes firmly that diversity will destroy America. He does not favor the state identity and advocates that national identity must supersede it for the survival of the country. He strongly indicts those who take pride in asserting that America is a multicultural, multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual nation and therefore she is great. Buchanan argues, â€Å"Our day of reckoning is at hand. Time to mind our own business. Time to lay down the burden and come home. Time to put America first.†(263) He has no hesitation

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The problem with evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The problem with evil - Essay Example Just as strong the God is, the existence of evil is also strong because the world is imperfect. God only permitted the best possible world so that creation could be improved. According to the Natural Law Theodicy by Bruce Reichenbach, God created a world in accordance with the natural laws to achieve higher good even if there are moral and natural evil (Evans, 11). Argument from the natural evil states that evil exist as a punishment for our sin; thus, this proves the existence of God as evil is necessary for certain types of goodness to occur. Swinburne claimed that God allow the existence of evil as an omnipotent being (can do anything possible logically) because he wanted to bring out the logically necessary condition of goodness such as compassion and bravery (Sovik, 23; Frances, 9). On the other hand, argument from moral evil states that man is created by God with freedom. The existence of evil does not disproves the existence of God as evil actions were the result of man’s abused of freedom (Sovik, 23). Lastly, the argument from unbelief supports the existence of God by using the concept of Divine hiddenness and faith as valuable tool. Evans supported this argument from unbelief stating that atheist does not believe in the existence of God not because of the lack of evidence but the inability and unwillingness to appreciate the evidence (74). To sum it up, God is an omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good God because He allowed evil in an imperfect world to bring out the goodness among people or to remind people of their sins through punishments and to bring out faith from Divine

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International diversification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International diversification - Essay Example International diversification occurs when a company trade in more than one country and is measure by the number of the countries the company occupy (Hwee 2007, p.17). Firms are always seeking for ways to increase their activities (Moncada-Paterno-Castello at el 2011, P.586). It can be through portfolio diversification, acquisition, Merger or resource investment (Hwee 2007, p.17). In recent ties international diversification has been made easier by Formation of trade organizations and minimized trade barrier allowing the companies to expand internationally (Gaur and Kumar 2009, P.172). A company may choose to diversify internationally despite its size provided it has products that can be used across the boarder. However according to Hwee (2007, p.17) requires huge capital investment due to marketing, restructuring of the management team, research to understand the new market and other investments while the growth may be hindered by other factors such as cultural values, political stab ility and exchange rates. There is contradicting information on whether diversification is beneficial to a company or not (Marcelo at el 2008). This paper will critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a company diversifying internationally. Advantages Growth A company diversifies internationally to new market one such company is the South Korea based Samsung electronics that has intensified its marketing globally and the outcome has been positive. Samsung electronics is a subsidiary of Samsung group and is the leading mobile phone manufacturer after overtaking the Nokia Company. Electronic companies are expanding like any other business to acquire their market share (Jaemin and Chan-Olmsted 2005, P.183) Samsung electronics especially mobile Phones has Increased its market share by export its products internationally as well as manufacturing products which are affordable by low income earners, mid income earners and high income earners. Africa is one of the fastest grow ing Mobile phone markets with recent study showing Africa as one of the continent with more mobile phone subscribers than landline users. In Fact, analysts estimates that Mobile Phone use in the last five years has been increasing at a rate of 65 percent per year. The growth s associated with the fact that they are the major means of communication, networking and also development (Kreutzer 2009, P.1). The leading Mobile manufactures have tapped into this opportunity by designing products that fits the Africa Market and setting up offices to drive their goals. This is also China is focusing to grow manufacturing its Market in Africa (Brenton and Walkenhorst 2010, P. 577). According to Thinesen (2011), Samsung is leading in the mobile phone Market share with about 25.3 percent of the total market share. Samsung electronics has realized growth in their mobile phone market share in Africa and USA overtaking Nokia in 2012 (Jackson 2012), for the first time in a long period Nokia has been replaced as the leading company. It has intensified its Marketing strategy, increased its investment in new mobile application, and rolled out offices in new territory and their investment has paid of thus the realized growth. Globally, according to international data corporation mobile phone sales grew by 2.4 percent in the third quarter of 2012 with total sales amounting to 444.5 millions units compared to 434.1

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research Paper on movie Harold and Maude from 1971 Essay

Research Paper on movie Harold and Maude from 1971 - Essay Example In addition Harold is obsessed with death and funerals and happens to attend strange funerals for fun. In the process of attending these funerals Harold meets Maude an elderly ex-concentration camp lady. The main theme is fixed on Harold who befriends the 79 old women named Maude. Harold lived in a big mansion with his mother where he attempts mock suicides and also attends funerals for people he didn’t know, he finally meets Maude the old woman and they become friends. However the two friends are directly in contrast of each other whereby Harold has no meaning in the society he lives in while the old woman who has been to concentration camp marked by her tattooed ID on her arm is light hearted, energetic and a senior citizen.```````` Every actor in this movie seems to have his/her own way of thinking or acting. Within the cast we expect that Mrs. Chasen and her son should have been very close. But as it turns out each is pre occupied with their own issues. Mrs. Chasen seems much pre-occupied with her social image and her businesses at the expense of her son’s social life. Ironically we would have expected that Harold and Maude should find nothing common between them but as the movie unfolds we see that the two find solace in each other to an extent that they fall in love with each other. Identify any stimulus that may be prompting behaviors. The entire story line is a mixed outcome of behavior changes that arise out of social interactions that act as the stimulus for behavior change. From the onset Harold’s behavior as an introverted rich kid who is only obsessed or fascinated by death is a behavior he has adopted that is as a result of his mother’s actions. Mrs. Chasens actions act as the stimulating factors for Harold’s behavior change. Instead of Mrs. Chasen treating her son Harold as a mature 20 year old she treats him as a baby and want

The Importance of Net Neutrality Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Importance of Net Neutrality - Term Paper Example Because of the current net neutrality legislations, these intersecting networks are able to send and receive data from one point to the other without additional payments. Devoid of net neutrality, that would not be the case. Network machinists would be able to regulate traï ¬Æ'c further closely and emphasise on making cash out of one another rather than giving reliable amenity. When net neutrality introduces certain challenges for content-providers and final-users, we trust the beneï ¬ ts exceeds those challenges. Net neutrality provides new developers the chance to share their thoughts with the world through not crippling them economically. While the cancellation of net neutrality profits broadband providers, it will bring problems to a lot of value providers. Therefore it could significantly stiï ¬â€še how the internet works, similarly as the economies that depend on its services. The machinery industry is industrializing so fast today; it is futile to say what is most desirabl e for the future. But one thing to be certain of: eliminating net neutrality would change the internet overwhelmingly for a more good or bad (Gross, 2009) Because of the magnitude of these files, such transfers are able to consume a substantial fraction of the internet’s bandwidth. Bit Torrent’s wireless connection guide offers two model downloads which it says will â€Å"max out your internet connection within a few minutes† â€Å"Digital piracy†. Examining one prominent circumstance, the operators of a Swedish website termed as â€Å"The Pirate Bay† were found guilty of copyright desecration when providing a directory of movies and extra files available in the website via Bit Torrent (Patrick & McBride, 2009). In 2007, some of Comcast’s Internet clients encountered challenges when operating with Bit Torrent. The Allied Press investigated and conveyed that Comcast was prying with the Bit Torrent decorum (Svensson, 2007), leading to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Effects of Social Networking on Our Society Essay Example for Free

The Effects of Social Networking on Our Society Essay The use of electronic and social media has become a staple in our society. No matter where one travels one can have access to this great resource. But has this accessibility and dependence upon electronic and social media gone too far? Is this passion for instant gratification affecting our ability to communicate with those around us on a personal level? Another question to ask is whether or not this constant access to technology will help our children develop the necessary skills to succeed in life; whether through multitasking or being able to adapt to new situations. There have been many studies that argue both sides of this issue. Some say these new technologies will improve the quality of life for our children and others argue that instead of helping, it will hinder their ability to effectively communicate. The impact of the internet and social media has permanently altered the lives of all who participate in its web. Kevin Cain’s article, â€Å"The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication† argues that Facebook is completely changing how we communicate with one other. He says it is creating a society that values, â€Å"†¦frequent communication more than meaningful communication,† (Cain). He believes this has caused us to have shrinking attention spans and has made us want to share more personal information that we normally would not be comfortable sharing with others. â€Å"[We] overshare a variety of information that was once unthinkable for public consumption,† (Cain). On the other hand, Lori Takeuchi’s more researched article, â€Å"How Tweens Use Digital Media to Develop Their Identities† is not quite sure what kind of consequences our overexposure to the internet will have. She believes it can have both positive and negative effects based on a child’s exposure to the internet and the parental involvement surrounding its use. Takeuchi writes, â€Å"†¦reading Club Penguin’s newspaper, for example, can help foster children’s reading comprehension skill and negotiate, collaborate, and evaluate,† (Takeuchi). Even though Takeuchi believes these can be important aids to our children’s learning curve, she does not think that it should completely replace the non-technological part of our lives. She states, â€Å"Rather than replacing or eliminating activities, digital media represent an additional layer of their everyday lives,† (Takeuchi). Takeuchi is very clear in stating family and outdoor activities are still very important and necessary. Although it is clear that electronic and social media is having a powerful impact on our society, it still is not entirely clear whether this influence is for the betterment of the society as a whole. It is however, unquestionable that the internet has changed our lives forever. Although the long term effect of electronic and social me dia has not been thoroughly vetted, it seems as if the misuse of this resource can leave us with undesirable results. Electronic and social media has positive functionality in our everyday life. It can enable a person to research a wide range of topics including, searching medical diagnoses or treatments on sites like WebMD for injuries or illnesses, collecting material for school projects, or it can reconnect you with old friends through Facebook and Twitter. Although communication through Facebook and Twitter can be entertaining and fun, it consumes untold hours each month. Surprising, most users are unaware of this fact. A study in August of 2011 showed that Facebook usage alone accounted for nearly eight hours of online time per person. Twitter did not register quite as high on the scale of online time usage, but it is believed to be because Twitter, like most other websites, does not track the time spent using mobile phones. So, â€Å"these numbers only track visits to, and do not take into account mobile usage,† (Konrardy). That means that the total time spent on these websites is actually much higher. If one takes into account how much time one observes people on cell phones checking their social media, the total time wasted on these sites would be much higher. Not only are people spending an exorbitant amount of time on social networking sites, they are also developing a tendency to be more comfortable having serious conversations through social media or some other form of non-personal communication. This is especially prevalent amongst children ages thirteen to eighteen, â€Å"young Facebook users are relying less on interpersonal communication skills and more on technology to communicate for them,† (Konrardy). This can be a huge detriment to their development of interpersonal skills. If children do not learn how to communicate effectively at a young age, it can hinder them in the future whether in job interviews or when dealing with personal conflict in relationships. Communication is necessary to live peaceably in our society. If children are taught that Facebook and other social networking sites are acceptable forms of serious conversation, they will be less likely to succeed in their personal and public lives. Susan Tardanico said in an article that, â€Å"†¦these generations – which will comprise more than 50% of the workforce by 2020 – would prefer to use instant messaging or other social media than stop by an office and talk with someone,† (Tardanico 1). This change in communication styles has made it difficult for employers to build trust and employee loyalty which then, in turn, can negatively impact productivity. Cell phones and social networking sites cannot offer true communication because â€Å"A whopping 93% [of communication] is based on nonverbal body language,† (Tardanico 1). This makes it extremely difficult for an individual to discern what another person might be meaning through words alone. In October of 2011 Sharon Seline was texting her daughter, who was off at college, asking how her life was going at school. Her daughter continually responded with positive responses, smiley faces, and hearts. This made Seline believe her daughter was quite happy and having a wonderful time at college. In reality, she never left her dorm room and showed tales tell signs of depression, a fact that did not come across in her texts and social networking posts. Later in the same night while she was ‘talking’ with her mother, she tried to commit suicide. Because the daughter’s non-verbal communication was absent from their conversations, her mother was unable to decipher the seriousness of the situation. She had to take her daughter’s written word as fact because she was, unable to â€Å"hear [her] tone of voice or look into [her] eyes†¦ [and] know when â€Å"I’m fine† doesn’t mean [she’s] fine at all†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Tardanico 1). If Seline would have been able to see her daughter’s body language, she would have easily recognized, through non-verbal communication that she was not okay and needed help. In this case, face-to-face communication might have been able to keep a young lady from attempting suicide. There is also a direct correlation between the usage of Facebook and other social media sites to a person’s shyness. A study showed that those who have a tendency to be shy, generally have less ‘friends’ but spend more time on these sites. â€Å"†¦although shy individuals do not have as many contacts on their Facebook profiles, they still regard this tool as an appealing method of communication and spend more time on Facebook than do nonshy individuals,† (Liebert 339). Although it may be appealing to those who have a hard time meeting others, what it really does is immobilize them from entering into meaning relationships with others. It reinforces their shyness and perpetuates their lack of social ability in the ‘real’ world. They use it as a means of communication, so they do not have to go out into the world to overcome their shyness. It is easy to see that this study’s, â€Å"†¦findings might be explained by the anonymity afforded by online communication, specifically, the removal of many of the verbal and nonverbal cues associated with face-to-face interactions,† (Liebert 339). Again, this ability to hide in an online community does nothing to help an individual overcome their shyness. In fact this behavior hurts them by creating a false connection and an altered reality by inhibiting them from actual interpersonal relationships’. Without practice, a shy individual will have limited exposure to verbal and nonverbal cues that could in turn negatively impact them in job interviews or other â€Å"real† life situations. Unadulterated social networking has also been observed to negatively impact college student’s grades. Megan Puglisi says that, â€Å"According to Northern Michigan University, college students who used Facebook while studying, even just having it in the background, earned grades 20 percent lower on average than non-users in 2010,† (Puglisi). The impact of lower grades in college could adversely affect ones future life and well-being. For example, if a student can achieve a 20 percent improvement in their GPA simply by removing the constant interruption of social media sites from their environment, this could result in not only better grades, but scholarship opportunities. This in turn could improve that student’s financial burden. If, however, ones grades drop by 20 percent, because of the constant interruption from social media sites, at the extreme end of the spectrum, one could get kicked out of college which would hinder one’s ability to acquire future employment. So sacrificing a little time on Facebook could greatly affect ones present and future life. Puglisi also found that college students’ tendencies to use social media reduced their relationship with their professors. In her article, she quoted Dr. Kelley Crowley, a professor who â€Å"teaches public relations writing and principles of advertising at West Virginia University,† (Puglisi). According to Crowley, students should be pursuing real relationships. She believes that, â€Å"‘Avoiding personal interactions harms the competency of young professionals (Its difficult for students) to speak to respected professionals during interviews because they lack the necessary nonverbal behaviors, like eye contact,’† (Puglisi). Again, this directly relates to how social media can adversely affect college age students when applying to the work force. By not developing proper communication skills necessary for success, these students are affecting their life in a negative way. Puglisi is also a strong advocate for writing correctly on social networking sites. She believes making poor grammatical mistakes can make one look bad. She believes if one proof reads what one says before one posts it, one can â€Å"prevent looking like a fool in front of professors, friends and future colleagues,† (Puglisi). Employers now search out a person’s social media site to see what type of individual they really are. If one used poor grammar and made careless mistakes, the company would be much less likely to hire them. The many articles and researched opinions on this matter coincide with everyday observable behaviors. On any given day, one can walk down the street and see someone on their phone, texting, on Facebook, or looking at different internet sites. People are simply occupied with their electronic devices rather than with the world around them. This lack of interaction with the outside world can cause chronic electronic users to make stupid and sometimes irreparable mistakes. The other day my friend was riding his bike to class. A girl distracted while looking at her phone, walked out in front of him. He had to swerve out of the way so he would not hit her. He ended up crashing his bike, and spraining his ankle; a relatively small injury compared to what could have happened. In this instance, if the girl would not have been checking her phone, she would not have stepped out in front of him, and he would not have been injured. Another more personal incident occurred while I was driving my parent’s car. I only had my permit and my brother and I were heading to my swim practice when I w ent to turn left at a green light. A young lady was texting on her cell phone and went through her red light and nearly hit us. That young lady was tremendously lucky because had she hit us, I would have, in all likely hood, been killed. Two seconds separated me from life and death. This distraction of electronic media can sometimes have very tragic results. In 2012, a Philadelphia man was walking while using his cell phone. Because he was distracted, he fell onto a set of train tracks. Luckily, no train was coming and he was able to recover and get himself out before being crushed. In this case, distracted walking almost cost a man his life. More and more reports of injuries due to distracted walkers are being reported. A study showed that, â€Å"[All]though overall traffic deaths were lower in 2012 than the year before, pedestrian fatalities rose by 4.2 percent and injuries by 19 percent,† (Lowy). This shows a direct correlation between the use of social media and pedestrian deaths. This is no surprise to researchers, â€Å"‘I see students as soon as they break from a class, they have their cellphones out and theyre texting to one another. Theyre walking through the door and bumping into one another, said Jack Nasar, an Ohio State University professor and expert on environmental psychology,† (Lowy). This distraction can easily turn into something much bigger and cause serious injuries. â€Å"A study Nasar conducted at intersections on campus found that people talking on cellphones were significantly more likely to walk in front of cars than pedestrians not using phones†¦ reports of injuries to distracted walkers treated at hospital emergency rooms have more than quadrupled in the past seven years† (Lowry). These studies and reports show how social media and networking sites can greatly harm an individual when undivided attention is not given to the task at hand. Social media has also completely changed the way we read and process information. Nicholas Carr in is article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid† talks about how the internet has made it more difficult for people to stay focused. â€Å"The more they use the Web, the more they have to fight to stay focused on long pieces of writing,† (Carr). This can greatly affect your studying and work ability. By having this inability to be focused, you may have trouble gathering information you may need for a class or work project. This can negatively affect your performance and cause you to do poorer than you originally would. Carr also states that, â€Å"Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.† (Carr). Again, this inability to make connections and interpret the written text can make us less marketable, which in turn damages our quality of life. Carr, when researching his article, came across a five-year long research program. The scientists studied the behaviors of visitors to two different research sites, both offering any different forms of written information. In the study, â€Å"They found that people using the sites exhibited â€Å"a form of skimming activity,† hopping from one source to another†¦ They typically read no more than one or two pages of an article or book before they would â€Å"bounce† out to another site,† (Carr). This type of skimming and non-ability to analyze written word has become a great drawback of social media. Social media and networking sites have had a great impact on our society. It has given us the ability to access any information we want, whenever we want. But this gift has taken us to a level we could never have imagined , and it has not always been in a good way. Through continually having access to social media, we have created many dangerous side effects. By not being able to read one’s body language, we can have a difficult time discerning what they really mean. By hiding behind a computer screen, we can lose many of the abilities to communicate effectively. By constantly having our faces glued to our cell phones, we can cause bodily harm to ourselves and to others. All of these negative ramifications can greatly hinder our capacity to find a decent job, do well in school, and communicate in an effective manner. If people do not become conscience of our misuse of this great resource, we may see even worse side effects than we have already encountered. Works Cited Cane, Kevin. The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication. Social Media Today RSS. Social Media Today, 29 June 2012. Web. 4 Nov. 2012. . Carr, Nicholas. â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† The Atlantic July-Aug. 2008. Web, 16 Nov. 2012. Konrardy, Nate. Face-to-Facebook Communication. The Northern Iowan. The Northern Iowan, 3 Oct. 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2012. . Lowry, Joan. Distracted Walking: Smartphone-wielding Pedestrians Stumble into Danger. The Christian Science Monitor, 30 July 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. Orr, Robert R. et al. The Influence Of Shyness On The Use Of Facebook In An Undergraduate Sample. Cyberpsychology Behavior 12.3 (2009): 337-340. Puglisi, Megan. Social Networking Hurts the Communication Skills of College Students. The Daily Athenaeum. The DA Online, 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. . Takeuchi, Lori. MindShift. MindShift RSS. Mind Shift, 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 4 Nov. 2012. .

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hobbes Concept of the State of Nature Analysis

Hobbes Concept of the State of Nature Analysis Explain and assess Hobbes claim that the state of nature would be a war in which every man is enemy to every man. Hobbes concept of the state of nature that he proposed in the Leviathan was defined merely as a condition of war, without the creation of a civil society he suggested that there would be a war where ‘every man is enemy to every man’. Hobbes assumption of human nature is based around the absence of a political society such as government; where no laws or rules are present. This condition creates a society filled with individuals living in constant fear and leads to perpetual war. In the first section of this essay I will explain the foundations that characterized Hobbes idea of the state of nature around and whether there is any escape from it. I will then go onto to evaluate whether this state of nature is only defined by savage behaviour and war and how other philosophers such as Locke and Rousseau researched the state of nature to come up with conclusions that contradict Hobbes original theory. Hobbes stated that an individual’s natural condition is seen ultimately as egoist, with no concerns of morality each are driven by a powerful desire to amass great power. This instinctual drive cannot be restrained due to the lack of an overarching authority in society. Thus each human is continuously seeking to destroy the other in pursuit of reputation and self-preservation. This ultimately leads to life being ‘nasty, brutish and short’ (Hobbes, 1982). Hobbes believed that morality could not exist in such a state and that judgments centred around good and evil cannot exist until they are dictated by a higher authority present in society. Individual’s naturally attempt to increase their power sources as a means of future protection, this combined with their need to acquire what they like leads to this continual competition between each other. However we need to question whether this competition in the state of nature would eventually lead to war? Another assumption Hobbes puts forward is that all men are equal by nature, meaning that each of them possess equal abilities to accumulate powers and to gain what their appetites desire. However he recognises that there are limited resources available which encourages competition leading to each becoming enemies and supporting his quote of every man is enemy to every man. You would think that by regarding equality Hobbes would consider that we should respect each other and act with compassion but Hobbes definition of equality relates to the idea that we all retain the same level of skill and strength therefore we all hold the same capacity to kill one and another. It is a condition in which ‘every man has right to everything; even to another’s body’ (Hobbes, 1982) This concept was supported by Doyle who identified that men were equal as they had similar passions and potentialities, they were mostly dominated by lusts and inner passions which were out of their con trol (Doyle 1927, pg. 353) He went further to state that the condition of life was one of never ending war as ‘justice and injustice have no place’. Hobbes main idea of self-preservation in the state of nature can be exemplified by Plato’s story of the Ring of Gyges. Those in possession of this ring acquire the power of invisibility. With this ring, the individual either decides to act morally or immorally (Plato, 2007) Individuals in the state of nature would use this ring to satisfy their own personal desire. Whilst in possession of this ring they would be able to obtain everything they want, it would be very beneficial in terms of survival. Hobbes suggestion is that if individuals were presented with the ring they would not hesitate using it as it would provide protection and self-preservation which is their main focus due their egoistic makeup, this supports his idea of the condition of mankind. There are therefore 3 key main elements which characterise the state of nature; glory competition, and diffidence. These are known as the causes of quarrel. We are primarily concerned with our own safety and Hill (2006 pg. 134) reinforced Hobbes idea that uncertainty about the character and behaviour of others in society leads to mistrust due to the lack of confidence in the motive of others which turns them against each other. This consequently leads to the establishment of a sovereign to enforce authority over society. Hobbes definition of the state of war is not characterized by violence but as an individual’s constant readiness to fight. This state becomes too harsh that human beings naturally seek peace due to reason, and the best way to this goal is to create the Leviathan through what is called the ‘social contract’ which is entails having an ultimate sovereign as a legitimate source of power. The state will function due an element of fear being present whi ch will ultimately protect and ensure that the contract is followed, people would have given up their rights and overall power to the government. As Alexandra (2001) stated that to escape from a state of nature it is necessary that the fundamental laws of nature are accepted as â€Å"public standards of behaviour† (pg.3), and according to Hobbes this can only be achieved if all people agree to limit their rights and to act to in accordance. Even though Hobbes viewed this nature as a battle and struggle between men for the ultimate goal of survival, there are arguments against this idea that the state of nature is characterized by a chaotic world of continual fear between individuals. Locke interpretation of the state of nature was one of perfect freedom were men inherently have a sense of morality which discourages them from engaging in acts of evil. We can thus resolve any conflicts. He depicted the idea of men not having any incentives to â€Å"destroy himself, or any creature in his possession†. It is reason that leads the way in preserving a peaceful life, and teaches us that harming one another is not a moral action (Locke, 2005) From Locke’s analysis on the state, we can see that it contradicts Hobbes views on human nature. One on hand the individual is represented as good with an innate moral instinct while the other is a self-driven creature, we need to regard whether it is possible to live an acce ptable life in the absence of government or sovereign rule? Thomas.J (2009) researched to conclude that men have always been under the influence of some degree of authority, and even when there has been no control exercised by the state it has been god that has inspired them to act in a kindly manner with generosity. Men have the natural habitual ability of living with other members of their society without becoming a â€Å"social animal†. He developed his ideas further and stated that even before the state emerged, fathers were seen as the dominant figure in households and ruled over their wife and children; families were seen as ‘a unit of social organisation’. Doyle backed up the idea presented by Thomas by stating that human beings were predestined to perform acts of evil through god, so we needed to question whether they could really be held responsible for their actions.(1927, Pg. 340). He however went onto support Hobbes claim that men were dominated by their natural instinct and were free to act as they wished, which meant they only had the power to evil. Nevertheless we also needed to consider that the action of good deeds by man is seen as automatic (1927 pg. 342) The main concept Hobbes failed to examine and take into consideration when coming up with his theory of the state of nature is that humans have a social inclinations which include affection, building relationships and friendship which leads us to being rational human beings. This social nature embed into humans is one that drives them to cooperate. Merriam (1906) examined Hobbes literature and notice how he failed to recognize the existence of social qualities in human nature. The fundamental laws of nature commands all men to be peaceable but to also be compliant with each other, even if they entered a state of war nature would command them to be socially minded and love one another which would minimalize any effects of war between man. This statement was contradicted by Haji (1991) who argued that individuals fail to realise the benefits that cooperation with others would bring in the long term and would rather just opt for the short term benefits of them choosing to not cooperate and act solely, this leads to a course of action where everyone in society decides to not cooperate than achieve any effects through cooperation which ultimately leads to a continual fight for self-preservation. It is clear that both researchers have examined the notion that cooperation is an important aspect of human beings day to day life, however there will always be different circumstances where individuals choose whether to cooperate or not. We can focus on the prisoner’s dilemma to look into this further, the prisoner’s dilemma is a game theory which gives the individual an overall outcome and a path of choice, and we can relate this to everyday life where certain choices give us greater benefits. We may desire to choose one that gives us greatest satisfaction or an equal option which benefits both parties. There are different people in society, some are more aggressive and self-motivated while others are inclined towards social relations. Nevertheless it is important to realise that social behaviour that involves cooperation can be adopted and learned in such a way that restrictions enforced by society are not necessary to control the behaviour of certain individuals. Human behaviour thus can be controlled by education (Kavka,1983). Kavka also goes onto say that Hobbes theory on the state of nature is narrow minded due to his interpretation of what establishes a civil society and of what constitutes the state of nature. Hobbes predominant view is that only an absolute sovereign can be an authoritative common power. Otherwise, he stated that in the absence of a common power, people are in a state of war which is not necessarily true. We can therefore conclude that Hobbes claim that the state of nature is one of war is not entirely true, and at no time has this state of nature existed, it was a hypothetical scenario formed by Hobbes based around the presumption of a state in anarchy. The state of nature was represented as a state of war upon the assumption that society is suffering due to a shortage of resources and competition over food supplies, however this is not the case in real life and there is ‘room for all man’. Thomas (2009) states that a state of war will only arise when individuals are severely hindered in preserving their lives. If we look at current political situation however there is anarchy present among the states. There is no overall world government which regulates power over all states. If we consider states separately we can justify what Hobbes stated about the state of nature. It is evident that there is current inter-state and intra state war still present today, and certain crimes which are committed which go unpunished. The fear of war is always existent and states go to extreme lengths to dominate others, as well as this there is still a certain degree of mistrust between people even when there is a common power, thus Hobbes idea of a state of nature being one of war is supported to some extent as there will always be some form of competition amongst people but it does not necessarily have to be as brutish and vulgar as Hobbes described. Bibliography Alexandra, A.(1992). ‘Should Hobbes state of nature be represented as a prisoner’s dilemma?’ .The Southern Journal of Philosophy. Vol 2. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne. Alexander, J. (2001). ‘Group Dynamics in the State of Nature’ Erkenntnis. 55(2): pp.169-182 Doyle, P. (1927). â€Å"The contemporary background of Hobbes ‘state of nature’†. Economica. Vol 21. pp 336-355. Haji, I. (1991). ‘Hampton on Hobbes on state of nature cooperation’. Philosophy and phenomenal research. 51(3): pp 589-601. Hobbes, T (1982). Leviathan (Penguin Classics) Hill, G. (2006). Rousseaus Theory of Human Association: Transparent and Opaque Communities. Kavka, G. (1983) ‘Hobbes War of All Against All’. Ethics. 93 (2):pp. 291-310 Locke, J. (2005). Two Treatises of Government. London. Merriam, C. (1906). ‘Hobbes Doctrine of the State of Nature’. Proceedings of the American Political Science Association. Vol 3. pp. 151-157 Plato. (2007). The Republic (Penguin Classic) Oxford University Press. Schochet, G. (1967). ‘Thomas Hobbes on the family and the state of nature’. Political science quarterly. 82(3): pp 427-445. Thomas, J. (1929) ‘Some Contemporary Critics of Thomas Hobbes’. Economica. Vol 26. pp.185-191

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Public Expenditure on Education in India

Public Expenditure on Education in India Abstract Prioritizing amongst the competing ends for the government treasury is a big challenge for a developing country like India. Poverty eradication, health and other crucial social needs compete with education and create fiscal pressures. But an investment in education is considered inevitable. This research paper compares public expenditure on education in India in 2005-06 and 2010-11. As observed, government spent more on revenue account than capital account. Share of the State and Union territories in public expenditure on education was more than that of the Centre. States/UTs spending were highest for Non-plan expenditure across all categories of public expenditure on education. Spending was almost double in 2010-11 as compared to 2005-06 in absolute terms but the relative shares between categories hardly changed. Share of expenditure on education was highest for elementary education followed by secondary education, university education higher education, technical education and then adult education. Key words Public expenditure, education, plan, non-plan, revenue, capital, India INTRODUCTION There are primarily three sources of financing the education in India i.e. financing through central government, state government and non-government sector (including parents, non-government organizations, banks, philanthropic contributions and as a part of corporate social responsibility activities amongst others). Government is expected to shoulder greater responsibility in providing for education due to the social returns associated with education. The central and state financing is further bifurcated in Revenue account and capital account and Plan and Non-plan expenditure. Expenditures on capital account are long-term in nature. They are used for acquiring fixed assets such as land, building, machinery and equipment. Other items that also fall under this category include loans and advances sanctioned by the Centre to the State governments, union territories and public sector undertakings. However, expenditures incurred for the routine functioning of the government departments and various other services, largely not associated with acquisition of assets such as subsidies, salaries, interest, etc. incurred by the government are referred to as revenue expenditure. Plan expenditure refers to the expenditure devoted towards the funding of the plans by the government. On the other hand, non-plan expenditure refers to the expenditures other than those devoted for the plans of government. Plan and non-plan expenditure are incurred on capital and revenue accounts. The objective of this paper is to analyze in detail the contributions made by the Centre and the State governments towards expenditure on education in 2005-06 and 2010-11 and observe the changes thereby. The selected years were chosen due to the availability of comparable data. Data for actual expenditure, revised estimates of budgeted expenditure and budgeted estimates were available, but for the purpose of analysis the data related to actual expenditure incurred was only considered. Henceforth State would refer to State and Union territories combine, CAPITAL AND REVENUE EXPENDITURE ON EDUCATION In absolute terms the budgeted expenditure on education and other departments by Central and State governments in 2005-06 accounted for INR 1,14,389 crores out of which the expenditure on revenue account was about INR 1,13,229 crores (98.99%), on capital account was about INR 1,143 crores (1%) and on loans and advances was about INR 17 crores (0.01%). Similarly for 2010-11 the total expenditure accounted for INR 2,97,311 crores out of which the expenditure on revenue account was about INR 2,93,478 crores (98.71%), on capital account was about INR 3,776 crores (1.27%) and on loans and advances was about INR 57 crores (0.02%). While the absolute budgeted expenditure on education almost increased 2.5 times over the period of five years, the relative share of revenue account, capital account and loans and advances almost remained same. There was just a shift of 0.27% from revenue to capital account. It was further observed that the entire contribution on capital account came from the Sta tes with no share at all from the Centre. As can be observed the share of revenue account left almost negligible share for capital account and loans and advances from the total expenditure. Since capital expenditures are incurred on procurement of fixed assets, the data indicated that lesser expenditure was incurred in acquiring land, building, machinery and equipment. Growth in education would be difficult if it was not duly supported by a growth in acquisition of assets. It can also be observed that the contribution for expenditure on salaries, subsidies and interest payments through revenue account was high. PLAN AND NON-PLAN EXPENDITURE While plan and non-plan expenditure were also incurred on capital account, the amount being comparatively meager, plan and non-plan expenditure on revenue account only had been analyzed. The total budgeted Plan and Non-plan expenditure by education and other departments on revenue account were INR 1,13,229 in 2005-06 and INR 2,93,478 in 2010-11 as suggested in the previous section. In 2005-06 Plan expenditure accounted for 27.9% and Non-plan expenditure accounted for 72.1% of the total budgeted expenditure on revenue account. Similarly in 2010-11 Plan expenditure accounted for 33.2% and Non-plan expenditure accounted for 66.8% of the total budgeted expenditure on revenue account. Therefore over a period of five years about 5% of the share of Non-plan expenditure was shifted to Plan expenditure. For 2005-06 and 2010-11 the Plan expenditure for Center was more and Non-plan expenditure of State was more. Across the total budgeted Plan and Non-plan revenue expenditure the highest share was of Non-plan expenditure by States. The Non-plan expenditure by States accounted for 67% of the total revenue expenditure in 2005-06 and 59% in 2010-11 respectively as can be seen in figure 1. Figure 1: Budgeted Plan and Non Plan Expenditure on Revenue account for Center and State for 2005-06 and 2010-11 Source: MHRD (2008, 2014) Hence it can be concluded that the budgeted expenditure on education was incurred most on the revenue account and of the revenue account the contribution of the non-plan expenditure by the State was highest. EXPENDITURE ON EDUCATION AS A PERCENTAGE OF GDP Expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP is a globally accepted criterion which is widely used for international comparisons of financing of education. Figure 2 depicts public expenditure on various sectors of education namely elementary, secondary, university higher, technical education as a percentage of GDP. Expenditure of Adult education was nominal and so has not been included. Public expenditure included the expenditure incurred by education department and other departments and ministries respectively for various sectors. India being a developing nation highest public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP was incurred on elementary education in 2005-06 (1.61) and in 2010-11 (1.7). It was followed by expenditure on secondary education, university and higher education and technical education for 2005-06 as well as 2009-10. In comparison with 2005-06 public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP was incurred more in 2010-11 across all levels of education. Expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP by states was highest for elementary education followed by secondary education, university higher education and technical education for 2005-06 and 2010-11. But the expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP by Centre was highest for elementary education, and was followed by university and higher education, technical education instead of secondary education, that got the least share. Compared to 2005-06 in 2010-11 the commitment by the Centre increased for university higher education and technical education with little left for secondary education. The contribution by the Centre almost doubled for university and higher education and more than doubled for technical education. For secondary education there was a fall in the public expenditure on education from 0.7% to 0.1% of the GDP from 20 05-06 to 2010-11. It can be further observed that the contribution of state for all levels of education was more than that for Centre for both the years 2005-06 to 2010-11 as can be observed in figure 3. While not much change could be observed in the share of State and Centre as a percentage of GDP in 2005-06 and 2010-11 for elementary and secondary education, a dramatic rise in the share of the Centre as compared to State could be observed for university higher education and technical education for the same period. Figure 3: Sector-wise share of State and Centre in Public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP for 2005-06 and 2010-11 Source: MHRD (2008, 2014) The share of State (76.4%) and Centre (23.6%) for elementary education in 2005-06 almost remained stagnant as observed for State (74.7%) and Centre’s share (25.3%) in the GDP in 2009-10. Similarly the share of State (92.2%) and Centre (7.8%) for secondary education in 2005-06 was almost the same for State (89.9%) and Centre (10.1%) in 2009-10. Share of Centre for university and higher education in public expenditure as a percentage of GDP increased from 23.9% to 38.4% and that of the States decreased from 76.1% to 61.6%. Likewise the share of Centre for technical education increased from 33.3% to 50% and that of the States decreased from 66.7% to 50% from 2005-06 to 2010-11. Therefore the shift from the Centre to State in the share of university and higher education was to the tune of about 15% and for technical education it was about 17%. CONCLUSION The present scenario calls for serious action in support of financing the higher education access in India. A bigger financial commitment surpassing the inflationary conditions both by the central and the state government is warranted. A larger share as a percentage of GDP should be allocated for the expenditure on education to enhance the access to education. Higher funds would be required to address the expenditures on revenue account, like that for filling the vacant faculty positions. On the other side, the expenditure on capital account like raising the qualitative learning infrastructure would be obligatory to achieve a higher rate of enrolments. Access to equitable and qualitative higher education is the need of the hour for a country like India aspiring to excel in the economic growth and development. The commitment from government and private sector towards the investments in developing human capital will determine if the demographic advantage will be a dividend or a liability. Governments today increasingly face the limitation to raise means owing to the fiscal pressures, increased demand for access to education, rising costs, expectations for improvement in infrastructure, increasing the resources, enhancing, quality and competing prioritized demands on the government treasury. For a developing country like India, it is difficult to assume that government alone would be able to achieve the mammoth task of assuring access to education for the masses. Higher efficiencies can be achieved by the allocation of the funds on the criterion of ‘performance based funding’. Increased accountability should be accompanie d by increased autonomy to raise funds at the institutional level, with wisdom to assure the opportunity of access to quality education for anyone willing to pursue the same. The government through necessary regulatory changes should incentivize philanthropic and alumni contributions by allowing tax rebates on incurring such expenditures by individuals. Income generated through consultancies, research and development and providing training workshops in the area of expertise should be appreciated and encouraged. Considering the present and future demand for higher education in India, it cannot be denied that financing remains a serious challenge. To achieve this mammoth task, all possible sources of funding will have to be explored to assure a qualitative and equitable access to higher education.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Protecting Yourself Online :: essays research papers

Protecting Yourself Online In this paper we will discuss some basic steps to better secure your system. We will discuss the following four (4) areas: v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Email v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Internet v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chat Programs v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Virus Protection 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Email:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do not open any email attachment that you receive from anyone without checking first - not even from your closest friends.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If someone has to send you a doc file ask them to convert it into *.rtf or *.txt format and then send.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If you must open any doc extension files, you can first use one of those doc file readers available free on the net.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alternatively, you could convert the extension of the file (doc) to text (txt) and then open it with your text editor and see what the file is all about.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If you do decide to open it as a doc file in MS Word ensure that the macro security setting is set to HIGH  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In your email client turn off the 'receiving HTML mails' option. 2. Internet v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Set Explorer to show file extensions. For this go to Windows Explorer/ My Computers > Tools > Folder Options > View (tab) > and uncheck the ‘Hide File Extension For Known File Type’ box. This will help you to avoid clicking on hoaxes. v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do not give out your information on the net. While surfing the web you will see that there are sites that will ask for your personal information. Do not give information about yourself and hide out information about yourself as long as you can. v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disable JAVA and Active X. To do this under MS IE, move your default-browsing zone to High security in Tools-Internet Options. This switches off 90% of MSIE exploits. You don't have to enter the sites that don't let you enter without Java and Active X enabled. Know how to read cookies and take a close look at them. Use software like cookie crusher and every time you log online crush all your previously received cookies. If you use IE then make sure that you run Windows Update at least once a week. v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Use personal firewall software. Zone Alarm (ZA) is a good one but others are available and new ones are coming up everyday. Use at least one Intrusion Detection System; Visual Zone is a good one that is compatible with ZA. 3. Chat Programs Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beware when using chat programs like IRC, ICQ, Yahoo, etc. When using these programs, your IP address is exposed leaving room for the other person to scan your computer looking for ways to break in.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Thomas Batemans Ten Years Diggings :: Archaeology Archaeological Essays

Thomas Bateman's Ten Years' Diggings Thomas Bateman at Brushfield, Derbyshire, 1850 On the 3rd of August, we opened a finely shaped barrow near Brushfield, upon Lapwing Hill, overlooking Cressbrook valley, measuring seventeen yards across and four feet high in the centre, composed of earth, with a few stones in the middle, where a shallow grave, about a foot deep, was sunk in the rock. In it lay extended the remains of a human body, so very much decayed as to be almost undistinguishable, but which we ascertained to have been deposited with the head to the west. Beneath the remnants of bone were many traces of light-coloured hair, as if from a hide, resting upon a considerable quantity of decayed wood, indicating a plank of some thickness, or the bottom of a coffin. At the left of the body was a long and broad iron sword, enclosed in a sheath made of thin wood covered with ornamented leather. Under the hilt of the sword, which like most of ancient date is very small, was a short iron knife; and a little way above the right shoulder were tow small javelin heads, 4 1/2 inches long, of the same metal, which had lain so near each other as to become united by corrosion. Among the stones which filled the grave, and about a foot from the bottom were many objects of corroded iron, including nine loops of hoop iron about an inch broad, which had been fixed to thick wood by long nails; eight staples or eyes, which had been driven through plank and clenched; and one or two other objects of more uncertain application, all which were dispersed at intervals round the corpse throughout the length of the grave, and which may therefore have been attached to a bier or coffin in which the deceased was conveyed to the grave, possibly from some distant place. The only specimen of a Saxon sword, which was the weapon of the thegn, previously found in this part of Derbyshire, was singularly enough found with the umbo of a shield on the same farm in 1828; thus indication the connection of a noble Saxon family with Brushfield in the age of Heathendom, the name of which is perpetuated in a document of the 16th century, preserved in the British Museum. On the same afternoon, we examined a mutilated barrow nearer Brushfield, called the "Gospel

Aubrey Beardsley and Oscar Wilde :: Salome Plays Essays

Aubrey Beardsley and Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde claimed to have discovered Aubrey Beardsley, when he asked him to illustrate his Salome. However, many people have claimed the same thing. Author Robert Ross on the other hand, thinks that Beardsley really started with the men with whom his work will always be associated. The men he worked with on the Yellow Book. (Aubrey Beardsley, p.14). Aubrey was born on the twenty-first of August 1872, in Brighton England. He was a quiet reserved child of an upper middle class family. He showed as a child very little caring for his lessons. However, he always showed an aptitude for drawing. Beardsley’s father through very unfortunate circumstances lost his inherited fortune. Beardsley at this time suffered from Tuberculosis; this was what eventually caused his death. His mother also became ill and was unable to take care of both him and his sister. Therefore, they were sent off to live with an old aunt. Their lives there was lonely and Aubrey developed a taste for reading as well as drawing. His aunt placed him in a boarding school where he indulged in his talent by drawing caricatures of his teachers. In July 1888 he left the school and started working in an architect’s office. Beardsley wanted to enter the art world. He accomplished this in an incident, which became famous. It occurred when he was invited to see th e studio of painter Sir Edward Burne-Jones. The artist was impressed by the drawings in Beardsley’s portfolio, and recommended that he attend night classes at the Westminster School Of Art. This was the only formal training Beardsley had ever had. Ian Fletcher author of Aubrey Beardsley by Ian Fletcher claims that Beardsley is not an impressionist, nor an expressionist, but essentially eclectic. " He had no facility, no admiration for nature-pantheism, the superstition of the cultivated classes. (Aubrey Beardsley by Ian Fletcher, p.23). Much of Beardsley’s work does connect directly with literary texts. "Beardsley is indeed much concerned with the reader or viewer, but hardly in the humble facilitating mode of the average illustrator and reader is the precise word. Yet, he does mediate between author and reader, not conducting word into image, but bringing to light rather what implicit, forbidden, or subversive elements of a text so disconcerting the author and forcing the reader to become a voyeur by recognizing in himself what he condemns in others".

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Analyzing and comparing similarities and differences of different articles

The intent of this study is to see and analyse similarities and differences between the four scientific articles with mention to S rensen s article This is non an Article. For this study we have chosen the subject in the country of computing machine scientific discipline. General Footings Documentation Keywords Article, analysis, Information System development ( ISD ) , research coverage, package development pattern, Emotional Learning ( EL ) , Cognitive Tutor System ( CTS ) , Face, Facial Recognition, Object Detection, Face Recognition, Face Processing, Face Recognition Algorithms, Face Detection, package testing, package development procedure 1. Introduction This study contains the consequence of analysing and comparing similarities and differences of four chosen articles in footings of abstracts, debut, method, consequence, treatment and decision harmonizing to the S rensen s article [ 1 ] . Based on S rensen s article analysis of above elements in articles has to be able to reply following inquiries: * What is the job sphere? * What is the job? * What is the research attack? * What have others done? * What are consequences? The four scientific articles that we have opted are: Article1: The NIPO GRID A Construct for systems development patterns in organisation [ 2 ] . Article2: Execution of Emotional Learning for Cognitive Tutoring Agents [ 3 ] . Article3: Best Practices for the Organizational Implementation of Software Testing [ 4 ] . Article4: Face acknowledgment for smart environment [ 5 ] . In the undermentioned subdivisions differences and similarities of the above scientific articles are summarized harmonizing to the indispensable inquiries. 1.1 Abstractions, Contexts In general, abstracts summarize the article contents of intent, method, consequences and decision [ 1 ] . In the first article [ 2 ] , the research is written in the context of package development patterns and is shaped on the footing of the inquiry how and why existent patterns are shaped in professional system and package development organisations. The abstract provides concise, clear and interesting overview of what the reader will derive by reading the article. Plus, Along with following abstract constituents [ 6 ] , authors avoided utilizing mentions, slangs and acronyms in the abstract. In the 2nd article [ 2 ] the short abstract contains a mention at the terminal of abstract and an acronym along with complete description has been mentioned. The Context is in larning mechanism and proposed mechanism for bettering Cognitive Tutoring System ( CTS ) utilizing Emotional Learning ( EL ) . The abstract determined the end of the article, which is about increasing agent s liberty in a mutable environment. The 3rd article s [ 4 ] abstract, summarized the consequence of a undertaking with regional companies in package proving. The article describes four chief recommendations sing the organisational execution and strategic accommodation of proving. It introduces a model to sort recommendations for proving. In the 4th article [ 5 ] , the writers discuss about face acknowledgment engineering in smart environment as aid, for assisting worlds to be successful in absorbing broad consumer blessing On the whole, abstract in the first article [ 2 ] provides concise, clear and interesting overview of what the reader will derive by reading the article while in the 2nd article [ 3 ] authors used a mention and an acronym at the terminal of the abstract, besides the point the job is non straight mentioned. In the 3rd article [ 4 ] abstract introduces the research filed and besides identifies the chief job with the filed. It besides avoids utilizing mention and acronym. In the 4th article [ 5 ] , abstract was non mentioned as a separate caption, nevertheless the first paragraph has the same features of abstract and gives the reader a complete and speedy designation of the basic content of the article. 1.2 Problem Domains and Motivations Showing the job sphere helps concentrating the attending of the reader and frames the research job [ 1 ] . The first article [ 2 ] nowadayss intermediate consequences from a survey of issues, which influence defining of information systems development ( ISD ) patterns in systems and package development organisations. It describes a concept for analyzing the behaviour of organisations in utilizing Software Development Method patterns in the procedure of merchandise development. While the paper is portion of an on-going undertaking of a company it surveies the mentioned behaviour from two dimensions, the attitude and executing as regulations. The study itself uses footings â€Å" intended patterns † vs. â€Å" enacted patterns † . The 2nd article [ 3 ] is a research-base paper ; it searches within larning mechanisms country with concentrating on emotional acquisition and defines another related attack that improves the bing CTS. The chief intent of this scientific article is to fit the CTS by an emotional acquisition mechanism to work in mutable environment like human being. The job sphere of the 3rd article [ 4 ] is how to better package analysis the package proving as a portion of the package development procedure of the companies to pull out their jobs in package development and to utilize their best patterns in package testing. The 4th article [ 5 ] argues about what Technology is the best for people designation and discuss about face acknowledgment engineering, how it works, the jobs, current engineerings and future development. 1.3 Research Questions One of the chief factors should be considered in measuring papers, is how the research inquiries have been shaped and in the undermentioned how suited the methodological analysis is selected and whether the selected research method has led to happening the reply to the research inquiries or non. In the first article [ 2 ] there are two inquiries raised and all answered based on the observations from the existent companies: * How and why existent ISD patterns are shaped in professional systems and package development organisations? * Why definitions and existent passage of peculiar types of development patterns vary among development organisations? In the 2nd article [ 3 ] the job that the writers are turn toing is that in the bing CTS, sum of clip for responding to a stimulation was much big and it causes emotions is disregarded and won Ts travel through the other scholar types. Hence the agent won t be able to be compatible with the environment. That means in current CTS the emotional propensity is non implemented. The cardinal scientific inquiries that the writer is turn toing are: * How to implement an emotional acquisition mechanism in CTS in a better manner? * Is at that place any manner to increase the liberty of a cognitive coach agent in order to do it similar to human being? In the 3rd article [ 4 ] the research inquiry addressed by writers is: * How to accomplish better package quality through proving? The reply is illustrated by suggesting 4 chief actions to better proving procedure: * A simple first thought * Requirements technology * Implementation of a trial centre * Test controlling and public presentation measuring In the 4th article [ 5 ] the chief inquiry is: * What engineering is the best for people s individualities? It s mentioned on the article that the common engineerings that are used are vulnerable to forgery and larceny and oversights in user s memory therefore face acknowledgment as one of the biometric engineerings that have a natural topographic point in smart environment identify people by their physiological features, and in recent old ages the attending of the scientific community has been focused on face acknowledgment. 1.4 Research Approaches and Methods In this portion, we will discourse about the methods and research attacks used in each of four articles to reply their research inquiries. Since the first article [ 2 ] is considered as an inductive research and uses a grounded theory attack [ 7 ] , the paper does non include any hypothesis ; alternatively it starts based on the conceptual theory and attempts to reply why the definitions of the development patterns and ordaining them vary among organisations ; and continues on the footing of observations and instance surveies. Input informations really is collected from the observations from eight companies. The research methodological analysis used to happen the replies of the research inquiry is grounded theory, which best suits because the writers have theoretically answered the inquiries foremost and so tried to verify it. For this instance the suited methodological analysis is grounded theory. In the 2nd article [ 3 ] the end is to better the bing system, apprehension of the emotional acquisition and its effects on different parts of CTS. Therefore the research methodological analysis is Qualitative. The method were used in this article is Experiment because it aims to develop the bing system by utilizing hypotheses which is the two-route emotional acquisition theoretical account to better the CTS. Since the article is an probe through the other literatures the research approaches is Empirical. In the 3rd article [ 4 ] the research attack is Empirical and the research method is Action research because it has focused on work outing jobs and seeks to take technology-oriented every bit good as organizational-focused. Qualitative research methods were used. Qualitative research method focal point on increasing apprehension of a substantial country ; it involves methods such as instance surveies. In this research interviews can be seen as a instance survey. In the 4th article [ 5 ] the research attack is Empirical because research is conducted to reply specific inquiry. The research methodological analysis of this article is Qualitative, it concerned with increasing the apprehension of how face acknowledgment engineering works. The research method is Action research. The article provides general inquiries and so the writers theoretically answer those inquiries by garnering all the informations and widen experience ( add strength ) to what is already known through the old researches. Actually the writers tried to better the manner they address issues and work out jobs. The comparings of research attacks, methods and methodological analysiss of the four articles summarized in table 1 in followers: Table 1: comparings of research attacks, methods and methodological analysiss of the four articles Article ( s ) From really early on ISD research has focused on how development should be done ( e.g. Dijkstra 1965, Parnas 1972 ) . This resulted in the building of legion formal systems development methods ( SDMs ) ( Jayaratna 1994, Avison & A ; Fitzgerald 2002 ) . Attachment to methods was regarded by default as utile and methods therefore were to be purely pre-defined and applied as intended by the method developers ( Humphrey & A ; Snyder & A ; Willis 1991, Jarke & A ; Pohl & A ; Rolland & A ; Schmitt 1994 ) . Quite the contrary, a figure of ISD research workers have discussed that SDMs see a great extent of matter-of-fact version during their acceptance and usage, if used at all ( Stolterman 1992, Fitzgerald 1998, Kautz 2004, Vogelsang & A ; Kensing 2006, P iv rinta & A ; Sein & A ; Peltola 2008 ) . One watercourse of research even suggested that amethodical ISD exemplifies an alternate position on development pattern in contemporary ISD organisations. That is, methods would hold no prescribe d function at all, while ISD pattern emerges through contextual interaction and improvisation ( Truex & A ; Baskerville & A ; Travis 2000 ) [ 2 ] . A few Empirical surveies have focused on the impression of single systems developers and how they recognize the relevancy of methods and use them in their work. These include plants on the relationship between developer experience and manners of SDM usage, or determiners of developer purposes to utilize methods ( Hardgrave & A ; Davis & A ; Riemenschneider 2003 ) . Education of brooding systems developers with respect to SDMs has besides received attending ( Mathiassen & A ; Purao 2002 ) . A few surveies have discussed ISD undertaking exigencies in relation to local method acceptance, where the unit of analysis has been a undertaking ( e.g. Kautz 2004, Madsen & A ; Kautz & A ; Vidgen 2006 ) . A good watercourse of research has discussed methods in the context of systems development companies and organisations beyond persons and peculiar undertakings. For illustration, Fitzgerald et Al. ( 2003, 2006 ) focused on internal package development in big IT industry organisations. Mathiassen & A ; Vogelsang ( 2005 ) and P iv rinta et Al. ( 2008 ) have followed longitudinally how peculiar development methods have been adopted and adapted in professional development organisations. Beyond the treatment about methods, the brooding systems development ( Mathiassen 1998 ) , a.k.a. the professional work pattern ( Iivari & A ; Lyytinen 1998 ) , attack has focused on bettering existent development patterns in development organisations. It has focused particularly on action research and local betterments based on contextual fortunes ( Mathiassen 1998 ) . In the 1980s ( Mathiassen 1998 ) , it was one of the first research plans which challenged the belief that development methods as such wo uld better the effectivity of ISD ( Iivari & A ; Lyytinen 1998 ) . We shared this focal point by inquiring how and why existent patterns are shaped in professional systems and package development organisations. In the early phase, we met the challenge to gestate the forms of defined and enacted ISD patterns in our instance organisations. Few consolidative models for this purpose exist. For illustration, Fitzgerald, Russo and Stolterman ( 2002 ) presented the method-in- action model, which explain the influence of a figure of factors on modern-day ISD patterns. It has been used in a figure of plants, e.g. by Madsen et Al. ( 2006 ) to depict how a local method emerged in an single systems development undertaking. Unlike such plants as Kautz ( 2004 ) and Madsen et Al. ( 2006 ) which focused merely on single systems development undertakings, we have an drawn-out position that includes the degree of systems development organisations, which, of class, may take portion in legion undertakings. Software procedure betterment models such as CMM ( Humphrey 1989 ) construct on more elaborate theoretical accounts of the development procedure at the degree of the organisation. However, their intended usage is to measure organisational capablenesss by benchmarking the existent ISD pattern to a predefined set of cardinal patterns, which leaves the pattern outside the cardinal patterns unexplored. In the 2nd article [ 3 ] the writers explain about emotional acquisition theoretical accounts and its effects on different acquisition. There are other CTS theoretical accounts implemented by others such as Gratch and Marsella ( 2004 ) , Franklin every bit good as Vela? squez ( Vela? squez, 1996 ) , proposed their emotional Architectures. But these theoretical accounts have some mistakes. In the old theoretical accounts emotions rise and autumn rapidly and they do non back up propagating information and tracking the state of affairs in existent clip like the system exits in human being. The 3rd Article [ 4 ] explains that there is no set of best trial patterns, which is implemented by any company. Some of the recommendations can be found in academic literature. Other patterns found in this article are non illustrated for the field of package development. In the 4th article [ 5 ] , the writers mention that topic of face acknowledgment is every bit old as computing machine vision because of the subject s practical importance and theoretical involvement from cognitive scientists. Despite the fact that other identi? cation methods ( such as? ngerprints or iris scans ) can be more accurate, face acknowledgment has ever been a major research focal point because it is noninvasive and seems natural and intuitive to utilize. 1.6 Consequences In first article [ 2 ] the study has a treatment portion and the decision portion. The former contains the observations, which are made from the information with the aid of NIPO grid. It describes how the range of existent use of ISD may differ in different degrees of one organisation and across organisations. In this subdivision it is besides claimed that NIPO model has some advantages over CMM and other SPI methods. In latter ( decision ) they have mentioned that the concept that they extracted is something that integrates old SPI approaches into a common model. Although it is mentioned in abstract that the concept would move as dependent variable for organizing the theory it seems that it is non clearly explains how this dependent variable is connected to other variables, while it besides seems that the whole text negotiations about this issue it seems that it would be better to hold a elucidation of that in decision or treatment parts. In the 2nd article, the writers conclude that by implementing EL the agent will larn and respond fast for different sorts of stimulations, which can be used for other acquisition, and assist agent to handle better in a state of affairss whit the being of different and mutable stimulation. For the 3rd article decision is that this article presented consequences from a undertaking with regional companies. They built a model to sort recommendations on how to accomplish better quality through proving. They proposed 4 chief actions to better the testing procedure. In the 4th article [ 5 ] face acknowledgment engineering could play a major portion in assisting worlds as helpful helpers. But to accomplish this end next-generation face acknowledgment system should suit of course within the forms of normal human interactions. so future smart environment should utilize the same theoretical accounts as worlds and have the same restrictions. 1.7 Decision In general, we think that the writers of the article [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] and have walked about wholly in the model of a research study. The construction of the studies follows recommendations. Especial thing about the first article [ 1 ] is that it points to the defects of the research in treatment session and further it refers to them as future plants in decision subdivision. Besides article [ 4 ] [ 5 ] had some avenues for future research while in the 2nd article there is no hit to that consequence. 2. Recognitions We would wish to thank Bo Helgeson, giving us thought sing how to compose article and other resource information. We are besides grateful to Ted Gunnarson and Eva Norling for learning us how to place the key words, and how to seek scientific text.